10 Proven Tips to Stop Washing Hair Every Day

10 Proven Tips to Stop Washing Hair Every Day

HomeHow to, Other Content10 Proven Tips to Stop Washing Hair Every Day

Do you still wash your hair every day? If so, here's the ultimate guide on how to stop shampooing every day and why you should stop in the first place! Moreover, there are many benefits to 'doing the dirty'. Keep reading to break the vicious cycle, with the help of a professional stylist!

10 smart tips to avoid washing your hair every day

How often do you shampoo your hair? This is a question I always ask when I consult with my clients. There are many who are shocked when they reply “daily” and see my disapproving response! I try to be kind, but often cringe at the thought. The truth is that shampooing too often is not good for your hair.

I know some of you are reading this and thinking, “I need to wash my hair every day; it feels dirty if I don't.” In my opinion, it is a stigma in North America that we feel the need to be very clean. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we should have a swimming strike here. I don't want you to mature like that! But washing your hair with shampoo every day strips it of all its natural oils, leaving your hair feeling dry. Not only that, but you will also start to overproduce oil to try to replenish what has been taken away, resulting in really greasy hair.

So why, you ask, should you stop shampooing daily? I mean, if it just makes your hair greasy, can't you just continue the vicious cycle? Uhh no! First of all, if you're someone who dyes your hair, don't you want it to last? Nothing is permanent. That's right. Even a “permanent” hair color will eventually fade. The less you use shampoo, the longer your hair color will last.