10 tips to get rid of frizzy hair

10 tips to get rid of frizzy hair

HomeHow to, Other Content10 tips to get rid of frizzy hair

Raise your hand if you are a victim of frizzy hair. If your hair is frizzy rather than beautiful, we know it's one of the most frustrating things in the world. One minute you have curly hair that pops or straight hair that shines, and the next minute frizz takes over.

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Channel Avatar Melissa Frusco2021-06-03 13:35:14 Thumbnail

10 Ways to Prevent Frizz

How do you get rid of frizzy hair? Luckily, we're here to answer the age-old question. Check out the tips you need to smooth frizzy hair and enjoy beautiful frizz-free locks.

There are many factors that contribute to frizz: dry or damaged hair, the environment around you (hello humidity), or a hair type that tends to be frizzy (read about curly hair type here). These different types of frizzy hair require a different approach to treat it.

The most common type is curly hair, which makes curls look blurry and lack definition. Keep in mind that if you don't consider your hair curly, but it is constantly frizzy, you may want to test to see if this frizz is just a curl waiting to happen. Once you've revealed your actual hair type, you can delve into the Curly Girl Method and other styling routines that will teach you how to properly care for and style your curly hair.