10 Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage – the Right Hairstyles

10 Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage – the Right Hairstyles

HomeHow to, Other Content10 Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage – the Right Hairstyles

Split ends can destroy even the prettiest hairstyle, which is why getting rid of split ends is such a popular topic. Unfortunately, cutting off dead ends is only a temporary solution, as the ends will continue to split if you don't treat your hair properly.

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How to prevent split ends

So if you really want to fix your split hair, learn how to prevent split ends first. These simple tips will help.

Unsplash / Max Ducourneau

There are many types of split ends that appear in your hair when it becomes dry, brittle and frayed. This can happen due to the frequent use of styling accessories and heat tools, especially on wet hair, which is incredibly prone to all kinds of breakage.