15 cute medium and long red haircuts and hairstyles

15 cute medium and long red haircuts and hairstyles

HomeHow to, Other Content15 cute medium and long red haircuts and hairstyles

Jessica Chastain always looks feminine and graceful. In this photo, she is rocking a beautiful downdo with layered copper waves styled in a side sweep. The light movements, achieved with a curling iron to define the layers, and your sweet look is ready. You can pull off this hairstyle at home even if you don't have any specific hairstyling skills.

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Cute medium and long red haircuts and hairstyles

Jaguar PS/Shutterstock.com

Isla Fisher has a mesmerizing mane of golden-red curls with a broken texture. Once each strand is curled, you need to mix them very carefully to maintain the beautiful pattern and texture. For long hair, make sure you tease your locks at the roots and form curls from the middle of the shaft to the tips.

Jaguar PS/Shutterstock.com