20 Best Crested Hairstyles To Try Now

20 Best Crested Hairstyles To Try Now

HomeHow to, Other Content20 Best Crested Hairstyles To Try Now

In a world where women’s hair generally gets most of the attention, it’s refreshing to see a stylish men’s haircut that manages to grab some of the attention and shine. The Quiff haircut is a hairstyle that combines elements of the pompadour, the flat-top, and even the Mohawk. Read on to check out 20 of the best quiffs we’ve rounded up for you!

Best Quiff Haircuts To Try Now

One of the great things about the Quiff is that it can look really neat and polished or have that messy bed head look that is incredibly popular in modern haircuts for men. If you are looking to change up your regular haircut and try something classic and a little bit funky, then the following pictures of the Quiff might be the inspiration you need. Check them out and see which ones could make the next cut you want!

Short, spiky and expertly coiffed, this Quiff haircut combines the best of both worlds as it is somehow messy and sleek at the same time. If you want a stylish rendition of the Quiff for men, this is it.

There’s something so retro, sexy and all-around cool about a pompadour, so when you pair it with the classic Quiff, the result is stunning. This one features a high pompadour that’s been lifted and carefully combed back.

20 Best Crested Hairstyles To Try Now.
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