3 hair tie removal hacks to prevent hair pulling

3 hair tie removal hacks to prevent hair pulling

HomeHow to, Other Content3 hair tie removal hacks to prevent hair pulling

Nataly is an experienced freelance writer well versed in lifestyle, beauty and fashion. She enjoys testing new hair products to tame her long locks. Nataly believes in the power of self-care and collects styling tips like gems. She currently delivers exclusive content on the latest hairstyle trends and transformations.

How to properly remove elastic hair band

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Small hair ties are perfect for seamless hairstyles. But getting them out of the hair is pure torture. There are always two equally painful options: either pulling them out (often while your hair is still dangling from the tie) or cutting them out (again, with a good chance of chopping off your own locks). Well, not anymore! Yes, you heard right: no more hair pulling with these life-saving hair tie removal tricks!

If you want to remove hair ties quickly, this trick will definitely work just fine. Just grab your hair styling tool – a curling iron, for example – and turn it on. Now simply touch the elastic with the tool and watch it pop right off. However, be careful not to hold the hot tool for too long or the elastic will leave molten residue on the heated surface and ruin your curling iron. Also, don't press too hard on the tool to avoid melting the elastics on your hair. The faster you go, the better.

3 hair tie removal hacks to prevent hair pulling.
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