40 chic chignon buns that bring class to formal and casual looks

40 chic chignon buns that bring class to formal and casual looks

HomeHow to, Other Content40 chic chignon buns that bring class to formal and casual looks

The perfect updo is often a trial and error process that largely depends on personal preference, hair type, maintenance and the overall look you're hoping to achieve. However, there are a few updos that stand the test of time and generally flatter most hair types and face shapes. One such style is the classic chignon. The chignon bun is more complicated and sophisticated than a regular bun, making it the best updo for formal or special occasions.

Chic neutral casual outfit

One of the best things about chignon bun hairstyles is that there are a wide variety of ways to create the look with a lot of individuality. If you're looking to spice up the way you style your current updo, the following photos of flawless chignons may provide some welcome inspiration. Get ready to swoon over these chignon styles that are on a whole other level of stylish!

Soft blonde waves always add a sexy look to your hair, even if your locks are pulled back. Before creating this chignon bun, the hair is filled with waves, then slightly twisted to the side and shaped into a slightly messy chignon.

Those of you who simply can't go without the crown of your hair being teased to the heavens will want this polished chignon immediately. All the focus of this beautiful updo is on the massive crown teased into the perfect round shape.

40 chic chignon buns that bring class to formal and casual looks.
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