40 cute curly hair styles with bangs

40 cute curly hair styles with bangs

HomeHow to, Other Content40 cute curly hair styles with bangs

There is one widespread myth about curly hair that has been ingrained in women's minds: women with curly hair should not wear bangs. This is not true at all! Curly hair with bangs looks extremely cute and feminine. Not only curly bangs have become a major trend now, but adding bangs even softens your look and makes your hairstyle quite hot too! Check out the ideas below for the ultimate proof.

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How I style my curly bangs ➿

If you are curious about how to wear curly hair with bangs, check out the following photos with inspiring looks to get new creative ideas for yourself.

This short curly bob is ideal for naturally curly hair with slightly longer bangs that brush the eyebrows. You can wear this look everywhere, from the red carpet and chilling at the beach to dinner dates and more.

This modern shag with natural curls is a perfect way to style medium or long curls. The best thing about this style is that you don't have to cut the front parts too short, just apply your stylers a little closer to the front roots and pinch.