6 business tips for hairstylists to build a clientele in 2024

6 business tips for hairstylists to build a clientele in 2024

HomeHow to, Other Content6 business tips for hairstylists to build a clientele in 2024

These days, it's not enough to just be great at doing hair to be the busiest and most in-demand stylist. Because each hairdresser shows their work on Instagram, customers can choose from a buffet of stylists. A quick photo of your client's hair or an informal post won't bring your ideal clients to you. It takes a lot more thought and a little more planning to become the most in-demand stylist.

Become a 6-figure hairstylist | 3 Valuable Tips for 2023

It hasn't always been easy for myself either; I started in this industry making less than $100 a week, sitting in the back hoping for a customer to come through the door. But after many years of failing and trying again, I was able to scale my business to over six figures in revenue. behind the chair.

Now I'm on a mission to help all stylists achieve that kind of success while skipping the ugly years of struggling and not making ends meet. That's why I've put together this guide to the most important things you can start doing today to reach the next level in your business.

Our company only lives and breathes when customers choose us to do their hair. So what do they look for when trying to decide who can do the best job? Customers look at your work and decide if you are a good fit for them and what style they want.