6 Most Effective Ways to Prevent Natural Hair Shrinkage

6 Most Effective Ways to Prevent Natural Hair Shrinkage

HomeHow to, Other Content6 Most Effective Ways to Prevent Natural Hair Shrinkage

If you have kinky, curly hair and are allowing your natural texture to change, you are most likely dealing with curl shrinkage. While the effects may not be as noticeable on certain sub-types of natural hair, some women claim to experience up to eight inches of shrinkage as their hair goes from wet to dry. Do you want to limit shrinkage as much as possible? Try these tips for long, strong locks that still show off your natural texture.

How to Stop Shrinkage of Natural Hair | The cuts episode 2

Shrinkage is a decrease in length that occurs as kinky, curly hair goes from wet to dry. It is typical for all types 3 and 4 curls, for some type 2 strands, and uncommon for healthy type 1 hair. The reason for this difference in length is that while the hair is wet, it is weighed down, causing the curls to stretch and fall to their maximum length. As the hair dries, inches of length disappear.

Make sure you understand what type of hair you have so you know which methods will work best for you to minimize shrinkage. More noticeable shrinkage is seen in type 3c and types 4a, 4b, 4c natural curls. Waves of type 2 and type 3a hair look almost the same in wet and dry conditions, so with the right products and styling methods you can prevent the decrease in length.

Keep in mind that while curl shrinkage can be frustrating or bothersome and you can't get rid of it completely, curls that bounce back into place are often the healthiest.

6 Most Effective Ways to Prevent Natural Hair Shrinkage.
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