Our hair texture, density and thickness vary, just as our facial features and body shapes do. Although coarse hair is often described as 'difficult' and 'challenging', the key is knowing how to care for this type of hair texture.
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The three hair types & How to maintain them
Styling coarse hair does indeed require some effort – from untangling the knots to the potentially longer drying process. While this sounds like a lot to deal with, these issues are no more difficult than styling fine and flat hair; it's all about learning some tricks and embracing your hair's unique properties.
Coarse and thick hair are often used interchangeably. However, hair thickness is determined by the number of strands and their density, while coarse hair is hair with a larger diameter of each individual strand. You can easily check if you have coarse hair by taking a strand of hair and rubbing it between your fingers: if you can define individual strands and they feel and look like strands, you have coarse hair.
The main disadvantage is that this hair structure is more sensitive to dehydration; consequently, it can easily become knotty, stiff and uncontrollable. On the plus side, coarse hair is very good at retaining style and volume and does not need to be washed too often. By using good quality moisturizing and repairing products you can easily turn coarse hair into your best friend.