8 Step Viking Mohawk Braiding Tutorial for Girls with Long Hair

8 Step Viking Mohawk Braiding Tutorial for Girls with Long Hair

HomeHow to, Other Content8 Step Viking Mohawk Braiding Tutorial for Girls with Long Hair

Jessica and Trencita are mother and daughter who both love beautiful braids! Their creative hairstyles are popular on Instagram, so girls experiment daily. Exclusively for The Right Kapsels, Jessica provides a detailed Viking Mohawk braiding tutorial using a combination of three different braiding techniques. If you also have a daughter with long hair, or if you want to look great yourself, you might want to check out her tutorial.

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Quick and easy Viking hairstyle

Start by parting the crown hair portion of the head to create an oval shape, and cut this hair away.

Now, parallel to the rounded shape of the top, take a piece 1 inch wide on each side and another piece 1.5-2 inches below that.

The first braid you want to make is the small lace braid under the crown area. Take a small amount of hair from the front and divide it into three equal small sections. As with a Dutch braid, tuck the outer section (to the right, if you started on the right side) under the middle section so that it lies between the two adjacent sections, and then do the same with a left section. Now repeat this again with another section on the right side always adding a small amount of hair only from one side.