8 tips for women with gray curly hair to embrace the natural color and texture

8 tips for women with gray curly hair to embrace the natural color and texture

HomeHow to, Other Content8 tips for women with gray curly hair to embrace the natural color and texture

After committing to embracing my natural gray curly hair in 2017, I wasn't aware that it would require some changes to my (not) routine. My focus was on the growth and not on the health of the hair. Needless to say, I was initially disappointed with my results. My silver locks were coarse, frizzy and dull.

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5 tips that will make you love your gray hair!

However, after some research, I made several changes to my hair care, and those efforts paid off with healthy, shiny, and defined silver curls. If you're frustrated with your natural locks, focus on the health of your hair and follow these tips to achieve silver curl success.

Start finding your inspiration. Create a vision board, Instagram bookmarks, and Pinterest files so you can see your long-term goal. Find gray hair bloggers sharing their experiences and communities where women support each other during and after the transition to their natural hair color.

The women who motivated me to go gray are unaware of the effect they had on my decision to forgo the dye. I wasn't actively participating on Instagram at the time, so I went to Pinterest and started getting inspiration there. Here is the screenshot of my Pinterest page: