A Life-Saving Trick: How to Get a Round Brush Out of Your Hair

A Life-Saving Trick: How to Get a Round Brush Out of Your Hair

HomeHow to, Other ContentA Life-Saving Trick: How to Get a Round Brush Out of Your Hair

Have you ever gotten your round brush stuck in your hair? We know it’s a real struggle. At some point, you might even think that cutting your hair is the only way to get rid of a tangled mess. Not anymore! We’ve found a real life-saving hack that will help you get your brush out of your locks without any pain or damage.


Fashion and lifestyle blogger Lizzie Kloehn shares her ultimate life hack for detangling your hair when a round brush is stuck in it. So put down those scissors, take a deep breath, and follow these three steps to enjoy your blowout hair again.

The golden rule for any failed hairstyling is to stop and assess the situation. Seriously, give yourself a few seconds before you make it worse. Calm down and take a deep breath. Panicking isn’t going to help, trust us.

Drop everything. Literally. Holding on to your round brush for dear life won’t do anything. And if you keep pulling on your hair, you’re only risking damaging it. It’s a similar principle to unpacking your hair rollers. Don’t try to pull the brush out or you’ll just make things worse. And we don’t want that, do we?

A Life-Saving Trick: How to Get a Round Brush Out of Your Hair.
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