A perfect haircut: this viral haircut filter is your new magic 8-ball

A perfect haircut: this viral haircut filter is your new magic 8-ball

HomeHow to, Other ContentA perfect haircut: this viral haircut filter is your new magic 8-ball

We all know that there are only two states in which every girl lives: to grow long, healthy hair or to enter the bob era without a care in the world. But how can we be sure that we have made the right choice and that the result is worth it? Fortunately, the hair industry is constantly evolving and offers new tricks and tips for beauty lovers.

I can't believe I let a Magic 8 Ball determine my haircut 🤦‍♀️🎱 #shorts #magic8ball #hairdye #hair

The latest discovery is the TikTok filter that tells you whether you look good with short or long hair based on your facial proportions. With almost 700 million views, the 2.25 hairstyle filter is a new HairTok sensation. Curious? Check it out for yourself!

This TikTok hair length tool uses two horizontal red lines to measure the lower half of your face. The top line reaches your nose, while the bottom one is just below your chin. The 2.25-inch formula states that if the distance between your nose and chin is less than 2.25, you’re almost certainly going to have short locks. But if the number you get is higher than 2.25, you’re a long-tressed queen who’ll need to keep the temptation for a big chop at bay.

While using the filter is fun, there are other important factors to consider when choosing the perfect hair length: your face shape, your desired length (your hair is your confidence!), and the health of your locks.

A perfect haircut: this viral haircut filter is your new magic 8-ball.
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