Advanced Hack: How to Make a Smooth Center Section Bun?

Advanced Hack: How to Make a Smooth Center Section Bun?

HomeHow to, Other ContentAdvanced Hack: How to Make a Smooth Center Section Bun?

Why does the middle part of your hair always disappear when you try to make a high bun? You see celebrities and influencers slay that shiny, sleek bun with a center parting and are left thinking about how on earth they make it work. If you try to brush your hair from the beginning, your middle section will never (never!) stay in place, no matter how much gel you use. We found this video from @jamievanslooten, an Instagram influencer, who shares a simple step-by-step guide on how to make your bun look like Nicole Richie's.


Jamie, the author of this tutorial, uses snap clips, but if you have metal cutting clips on hand, these are best for a seamless result.

Use some hair along the entire length of your ponytail to make the bun smooth and neat.

One of Jamie's followers wonders: “Does it get greasy / do you feel like you have to wash your hair the day after?”