All Fallout 76 Audio Holotape Locations

All Fallout 76 Audio Holotape Locations

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There are hundreds of Audio Holotapes in Fallout 76 scattered across the map in homes, forts, and even corpses, making it difficult to find them all.

Fallout 76 – Collect an Audio Holotape (1/1) – Daily Challenge

Some holotype series are so interesting that we encourage you to seek them out just to hear a good story. There are tragic series, like the Enola series, and some have a haunting sound design like the last shot of the person wearing the holotape, and there is even a full narrative production with the West Virginia Hills series.

There are 13 holotapes in Flatwood, making it one of the best places to hunt for audio holotapes in Fallout 76. You'll have to search all over town for them; most of them are inside bodies, but they're usually clustered close together.

Here are all the tapes you can find in Flatwoods:

All Fallout 76 Audio Holotape Locations.
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