COVID hair loss is real, here's what you need to understand about it

COVID hair loss is real, here's what you need to understand about it

HomeHow to, Other ContentCOVID hair loss is real, here's what you need to understand about it

Does COVID cause hair loss? The short answer is yes! As a clinical trichologist, I have been confronted with an influx of concerns about diffuse hair loss from April 2020 to this day, and more and more people are sharing their disdain about the lost strands of hair with the hashtag #covidhairloss.

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Channel Avatar Jake Kent2022-01-17 21:15:03 Thumbnail

COVID-19 and HUGE hair loss…it's a thing. This is why

Let's see what the connection is between COVID and hair loss and how to deal with it.

Let's take a step back and look at what happens to the body during periods of illness, stress and shock. Think of your body as a huge factory, producing everything from hormones to excreting waste. When one of the production lines, in this case the virus COVID-19, interrupts or disrupts the production line/the body's natural balance (homeostasis), the body makes a choice and stops nourishing its Z organs, the organs where we can live without, to preserve the most important organs – A, such as the heart and lungs.

So when the energy is diverted to protect the foundations of our inner mechanisms, the Z, or minor organs such as skin hair and nails, are shut down. A bit like turning off the lights at home to save energy! The lamps do not become obsolete, but once they are no longer needed and energy is saved, so be it.