CS2 players muse about CS:GO's 'user-friendly' features – and hope Valve brings them back

CS2 players muse about CS:GO's 'user-friendly' features – and hope Valve brings them back

HomeGames, How toCS2 players muse about CS:GO's 'user-friendly' features – and hope Valve brings them back

It's no secret that CS2 launched with half the features of its predecessor. And while Valve has made efforts to restore old features and introduce new ones, many fans still yearn for the "good old days."


A Reddit thread has sprung up praising CS:GO's freedom of customization, and in particular its many console commands. The thread, posted on Thursday, May 16th, lists numerous console commands from CS:GO that are now either missing entirely or different in CS2. Notably these are the r_cleardecals and ViewmodelRecoil settings, in addition to the on-the-fly left-right toggle. The video also features the highly customizable bob, and even mentions map-based factions, though that's a separate point from the focus of the thread. While Valve has reintroduced the hand toggle and bob settings, they're vastly different from what CS:GO had, particularly the latter, which is severely limited in scope and customizability.

Many players who responded to the thread noted that they especially miss the recoil and old bob settings. These two simple commands helped with weapon behavior, which, even if not directly related to gameplay, can make a big difference in how a weapon “feels” to use. We all have different tastes and playstyles, so these commands allowed for more individual customization, much like, say, crosshair settings. However, the ClearDecals command proved to be a bit of a divisive one among those who participated in the thread discussion, with numerous players stating that it gave an unfair advantage to those in the know.

Even that is fixable, though: Valve could simply embed the setting into the official Game Settings tab and that would be that. Everyone would know about it and have the chance to use it. That would be in line with how Valve handled other “obscure” commands and bindings, like the recently introduced grenade reticle, which was available to everyone by default.

CS2 players muse about CS:GO's 'user-friendly' features – and hope Valve brings them back.
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