Dragon's Dogma 2 has a few things that some like and some don't, but one feature that almost every player wants is the ability to change their FOV in DD2. If you're new, FOV stands for Field of View, and it allows you to change your camera settings and determine how far away you can see. Often the higher the better, and many games give you a slider that allows you to increase or decrease this to your liking. Here's what you can do to change it in this game.
There is no official FOV setting in DD2, but you do have an option called Camera Distance. As such, you can use this option to marginally improve your FOV. Otherwise, you'll need to use mods. We'll go over the mods in a moment, but for now, here's how this setting works:
The higher this value, the greater the distance between your character and the camera. This may not be super useful, but it's still worth playing around with, as some players find it useful.
Be sure to check the game's policy regarding the use of mods, as some games will ban players for using mods.