How to Charge Your Battery (Power Cell) in Star Trucker

How to Charge Your Battery (Power Cell) in Star Trucker

HomeGamesHow to Charge Your Battery (Power Cell) in Star Trucker

A common problem for almost every driver in Star Trucker is that their batteries run out, especially with the gravity device. So if you are new to the game and need to learn how to charge your batteries, here is a guide that explains everything about batteries and how they work in the game.

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Star Trucker – NEW release of the space game – Deep space transportation

To answer the burning question: You cannot recharge your battery at any point in Star Trucker. A dead battery is useless and cannot be recharged with any in-game tool or medium. The only thing you can do is recycle your Power Cells for a few bucks by returning them to the store. However, you can follow the given tips and tricks to manage and use batteries much more efficiently than before.

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