How to fix Manor Lords Windmill not working?

How to fix Manor Lords Windmill not working?

HomeGames, How toHow to fix Manor Lords Windmill not working?

One of the challenging tasks in Manor Lords is the perfect placement of building structures, as some of them do not work in every location. The windmill is one such structure that not only needs grain, family members, and a road connection, but also good access to wind. If it is built around trees and other structures, chances are that you will not get the desired output.

Many players have found that the problem with the Manor Lords windmill not working is simply a matter of incorrect placement, and that may be the case for you too. Windmills work best when placed in the middle of the field or near an open spot where they have ample access to wind. If you’re having trouble getting flour from your windmill, this guide has you covered.

In order for the windmill to work properly, players need to make sure that the grain supply is good enough and that at least a few family members are assigned to make the flour. In addition, the road connection is an important factor. However, one of the main things that prevents the Manor Lords windmill from working is the lack of wind.

As mentioned before, if you have built structures around the windmill, it will no longer receive the amount of air it needs to function efficiently. You may have originally built it in an open area with no trees or structures around it, but if there is something in the way now, there is a good chance it will not function. While that is the case, players may often choose to move buildings as it is an easier option.

How to fix Manor Lords Windmill not working?.
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