How to Fix Robot Voice Problems in Discord in 2023

How to Fix Robot Voice Problems in Discord in 2023

HomeGames, How toHow to Fix Robot Voice Problems in Discord in 2023

Are you hearing robotic or distorted voices on Discord? If your answer is YES and you want to fix it as soon as possible, then you have come to the right place. There are tons of people who are hearing a robotic voice on Discord, but most of them reported that it only happens when their network or ping is too high.

Fix Discord Robot Voice Issue! Voice Distorted on Discord? (2023 Updated)

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Yes, if your network or ping is quite high, your voice will sound like a robot on Discord. If you have been having trouble finding the possible solutions, don’t worry. We have provided you with some ways to fix robotic, distorted voices on Discord.

Since we have already mentioned the possible reason why people are having issues with the robot voice on Discord, to fix this issue you need to change the server you are speaking on to the nearest server. Yes, selecting the nearest server will reduce the ping.

How to Fix Robot Voice Problems in Discord in 2023.
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