How to fry your hair in summer with these horror habits

How to fry your hair in summer with these horror habits

HomeHow to, Other ContentHow to fry your hair in summer with these horror habits

Passionate author specialized in the vibrant world of hairstyling. With a knack for unraveling trends and sharing expert insights, Marissa creates compelling content on the latest hairstyles, techniques and industry innovations. Dedicated to providing readers with knowledge, inspiration, and the confidence to embrace their unique style.

Summer hair survival guide

Welcome the summer reality of frizz, breakage and lost color.

Summer is the perfect time for a hairstyle change! It's also the ideal season to get the driest, frizziest, most damaged hair of your dreams. With all the heat, UV rays, high humidity and the wonderful effects of swimming in salt or chlorinated water, your hair is ready for a glorious transformation. Here's a list of our top habits to make the most of the summer frying opportunities.

Why not let your hair reach its ultimate frizz potential? Mother Nature loves balance: the drier your hair gets, the more it will absorb moisture to rebalance, resulting in maximum frizz. To speed up this process, start washing your hair with the harshest shampoos you can find. Make sure you remove every ounce of natural oil from your scalp so your hair is as dry as the Sahara.

How to fry your hair in summer with these horror habits.
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