How to Remove Black Hair Dye You'll Regret

How to Remove Black Hair Dye You'll Regret

HomeHow to, Other ContentHow to Remove Black Hair Dye You'll Regret

So you did it, you colored your hair BLACK and you hate it! Don't panic, help IS available! For the sake of this article, I'm going to assume that you colored your hair yourself at home with a black box dye from Sally's or the drugstore (only because a stylist would probably have successfully talked you out of it), and are now struggling to permanently to remove hair. dye from your locks. Without further frowns or judgments, I would like to tell you what you should and should not do.

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There are many common ways to remove hair dye from your locks, but the task is the most difficult when dealing with black hair color (and definitely not for the faint of heart). Here's why.

Black is the deepest, darkest color we have on our color chart, and the shades go up from there: through darkest brown, medium brown, darkest blonde, medium blonde to blonde, and then light blonde. When you color your hair black, you fill the cortex of the hair with color molecules that attach to the inside of the hair and then expand, locking them in place.


How to Remove Black Hair Dye You'll Regret.
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