Inverted 1999 Incredible Unicorn – What's Hanging in Sotheby's Mansion?

Inverted 1999 Incredible Unicorn – What's Hanging in Sotheby's Mansion?

HomeGames, How toInverted 1999 Incredible Unicorn – What's Hanging in Sotheby's Mansion?

Reverse 1999 is more than just a stylized RPG; the mysterious aspect and the puzzles make it equally interesting to play. The game is divided into four chapters and has many stages that you have to complete during your journey. While some only require you to participate in turn-based combat, there are also stages that require you to brainstorm. What is hanging in Sotheby's Mansion? The question of the Incredible Unicorn is the first lead of the game.

[Reverse 1999] Chapter 1 All Answers

After reading the question, you may have thought hard and even replayed the stories multiple times, but you haven’t found any clues. There’s a reason for that: you won’t learn the answer that early. So when will you find it, and what is it? Scroll down to find out what you need.

This question will become available in Chapter 1, Stage 7, Scorched Woods. Tap the little man icon above the mansion to access it:

The answer is revealed by none other than Sotheby herself in Chapter 2, Stage 4, Antidote. In this part, you visit her mansion for some reason, which would be a spoiler, so you can learn it when you get there. During the conversation in the cutscene, she reveals that it is not a statue, but Quiet Ravenheart. Go back to the Incredible Unicorn Trail and submit the answer to get 20 Clear Drop.

Inverted 1999 Incredible Unicorn – What's Hanging in Sotheby's Mansion?.
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