Kayla Dube – Lifewire

Kayla Dube – Lifewire

HomeHow to, TechKayla Dube – Lifewire

J. Everette Light Career Center

How to Raise a Tech Family: A Talk by a 15-Year-Old Programmer and Her Father


Kayla has held a plethora of roles within video and filmmaking. She has spent the last 4 years doing video editing, videography, and sound design for multiple independent film studios. Her time working hands-on with video and sound equipment on film sets has given Kayla insight in the many different aspects of videography.

Kayla has completed her video editing work using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. She also has experience with Adobe Audition, Photoshop, and most of the Adobe Suite. For camera work, she has used a variety of equipment including DSLRs, cinema cameras, 360 cameras, as well as stabilizers and other accessories.