Yes, celebrities often play with wigs and try out new signature characters, usually created by their stylists. But Kylie Jenner went even further as a true beauty maniac. Her collection of wigs features both natural-looking manes and crazy vibrant colors. Why did a 21 year old create a viral trend around wigs? How do her stylists make them look like real hair? Read our research!
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Kylie Jenner – Hairstyles/wigs #viral #shorts (2)
Sometimes it's obvious that Kylie is wearing a wig. But some of her fake mane looks very real, as if she's finally decided to give up her black bob. Kylie knows special hacks that make a wig look like real hair!
The latter is the most important tip for naturalness from Kylie's wig maker Tokyo Styles. “You get your measurements before and it's all pretty much fitted before you even get there, so it's just a little cutting here and there to get the perfect fit in the back and sides. I normally cut off the front of the wig to make it look as natural as possible. he told Allure. He made over 100 for Ms. Jenner, not including celebrities like Cardi B, Rihanna, etc.
Kylie loves dressing up! Young mother slash businesswoman, she shatters our stereotypes by wearing neon green wigs or naked dresses. Combining catwalk trends with different aesthetics popular on the internet, she is a living meme whether we like her or not.