LoL community believes Riot's $400 Faker bundle is 'biggest insult' to fans

LoL community believes Riot's $400 Faker bundle is 'biggest insult' to fans

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After recently catching a glimpse of the latest commemorative skins for esports icon Faker, the League of Legends community is joining forces to blame Riot Games for creating the "biggest insult imaginable" for fans of the professional player.

Faker Corki vs Zeri middle #shorts

In a scathing post on the League subreddit, fans came together to tear down the upcoming skins, which have been set at multiple ridiculous price points. Marketed as celebratory skins for Faker’s induction into the Hall of Legends, Riot stunned the League community by setting bundle prices at anywhere from $40 to an outrageous $450.

The Hall of Legends skins have been a hot topic of discussion over the past week, with some players accusing Riot of taking advantage of Faker’s popularity and esteemed status as the best of all time to make even more money off of an expensive skin bundle in his name.

"Almost every League player loves Faker and would love to have the Ahri skin dedicated to him," the original poster said in the thread. "For Riot to put the entire skin behind a $600 paywall is the biggest insult imaginable. Riot has chosen to exploit our love for Faker for their own gain."

LoL community believes Riot's $400 Faker bundle is 'biggest insult' to fans.
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