Should you accept Red Fox's offer in Lies or P?

Should you accept Red Fox's offer in Lies or P?

HomeHow to, TechShould you accept Red Fox's offer in Lies or P?

Lies of P is filled with an eclectic cast of eccentric characters that you’ll encounter from the first few areas. In Area III, in the Workshop Union, you’ll encounter two suspicious siblings, Red Fox and Black Cat, and you’ll meet them again later in the Malum District.

Should you accept Red Fox's offer in Lies or P?

In your second encounter, Red Fox asks you to cause a distraction while they take on the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, and you have an important choice to make. You may be wondering whether or not you should help Red Fox and Black Cat, but this article is here to help.

Red Fox, along with her adopted brother Black Cat, are mysterious masked characters that players first meet in Area III, the Workshop Union. Red Fox is stylish, articulate, and very self-absorbed. She tells P that her admirers "follow her wherever she goes." She cares deeply for her brother, and they are both searching for a cure for Black Cat's blindness.

While Red Fox and Black Cat may be a bit wary of the player at first, they will become sympathetic towards you in later encounters, but only if you make the right choices.

Should you accept Red Fox's offer in Lies or P?.
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