The 5 Best Scalp Psoriasis Treatments to Help You Control Flares

The 5 Best Scalp Psoriasis Treatments to Help You Control Flares

HomeHow to, Other ContentThe 5 Best Scalp Psoriasis Treatments to Help You Control Flares

From the embarrassing flaking to the constant need for itching, dealing with scalp psoriasis (suh-rye-ah-sis) can be very frustrating and can even lower self-esteem. While there's no cure for scalp psoriasis (which is annoying), the good news is that there are scalp psoriasis products and treatments you can use to help manage your flare-ups.


Scalp psoriasis is a condition that occurs when skin cells on the scalp grow far too quickly and build up to form plaques. These plaques develop anywhere on the scalp and can even extend to the forehead, neck and around the ears. The actual cause of psoriasis is unknown. Some say it is caused by a defect in the immune system where skin cells grow too quickly, and others say it is a genetic condition. Scalp psoriasis can be mild and unnoticeable or severe and visible. Certain factors such as stress, smoking, alcohol, weather, and allergies can cause your psoriasis to flare up.

What does scalp psoriasis look like? It depends on the stage; In the meantime. many pictures of scalp psoriasis look like this:

Scalp psoriasis is like dandruff, but in overdrive! Some noticeable symptoms include flaky dandruff-like flaking, itchy, inflamed scalp and pain. Some may confuse scalp psoriasis with extreme dandruff. For example, for years I thought I suffered from excessive dandruff, but after a visit to the dermatologist I was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis.

The 5 Best Scalp Psoriasis Treatments to Help You Control Flares.
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