The No Poo Method Guide with 4 Shampoo Alternatives and Mistakes to Avoid

The No Poo Method Guide with 4 Shampoo Alternatives and Mistakes to Avoid

HomeHow to, Other ContentThe No Poo Method Guide with 4 Shampoo Alternatives and Mistakes to Avoid

When we're looking for a new food or skin care product, many of us turn to Google to find out what's in it. We want to know what makes it 'good' for us and whether it 'works' to make us look better and more youthful. Unfortunately, most people don't do this when choosing hair care products and often little thought is given to our scalp.

My DETAILED "no poop" routine & mistakes to avoid!

Do you know what shampoo actually is or why you use it in the first place? Did you know that you have a choice and that there are many shampoo alternatives that give better results? Read more about the no-poo method and why throwing away the shampoo isn't as crazy as it sounds.

For those of you who may not have heard of the no-poo movement, it's the choice not to use shampoo that contains harsh detergents to clean your hair. Whenever I have this conversation with a new client, they are usually unaware that using traditional shampoos means applying detergent to the scalp and removing the oils that a scalp and hair need to be healthy.

Over the years, more and more people have developed their own techniques for healthier scalp cleansing and are actively falling under the no-poo crew. Here are some compelling reasons why you should too.

The No Poo Method Guide with 4 Shampoo Alternatives and Mistakes to Avoid.
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