What is the Token of Honor used for in Dark and Darker?

What is the Token of Honor used for in Dark and Darker?

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Defeating dangerous enemies while exploring the dungeons in Dark and Darker will earn you loot in the form of Token of Honor, which is more valuable than exchanging it for some gold at the market.

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The Token of Honor is a medal loot dropped by some dungeon monsters in Dark and Darker after you defeat them and show off your bravado. While your chances are slim, you can get the Token of Honor by defeating the Skeleton Champion monster, which has high health and carries a shield to defend itself. Once you defeat a lot of these monsters, you should be able to get your hands on this loot.

Now that you have the Token of Honor, how can you use it to strengthen yourself for your next dungeon crawl in Dark and Darker?

The Token of Honor is one of the critical components for upgrading the Falchion sword in Dark and Darker to Falchion of Honor. It has improved physical weapon damage and armor penetration, and has up to three additional enchantments compared to the traditional low-rarity variant.

What is the Token of Honor used for in Dark and Darker?.
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